Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America
Members Website
Start by scrolling to the bottom of the table or list and clicking the Edit Rows button. Some frequently edited tables (e.g. dues entry) will come up already in the Editing mode.
The button line will change to New Row and Cancel. A pencil and a trashcan will appear to the left of each item.
Clicking on the trash can will delete a row, but you will receive a warning and confirmation box.
Clicking on the pencil will allow you to edit the data.
Scroll down to see all fields.
When you are done click on Update. If you decide not to change the record click on Cancel. And if you want to both update this record and add a new row you can click Apply and Add New.
Adding a new row works the same. You can Add a single record or keep adding by clicking Apply and Add New.
When you are finished you can click Cancel at the bottom of the table to make the pencils and trash cans disappear, though there is not really a reason to do so.
On the check out screen, enter in the box under Additional information, Order notes.
For the best reading experience, use the Full Screen icon at the bottom of the pages.
Clicking on the lower outside corner will turn the page.
Mobile devices: Rotate to landscape mode for best results.